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The Different Types of Catering and Camping Equipment

Catering Equipment - It can be challenging to plan or host an event, whether it’s for co-workers or a friend and family to get together. Keep it simple and manageable. The equipment you need depends on the type of catering you plan on doing. Not to mention, you’ve also got the option of renting or buying your equipment. Various items are needed during food preparation, cooking and serving. Besides for your kitchen utensils, pots and pans, tables, kitchens sinks kitchen utensils etc. The one thing you need to know if you are planning to cater for an event or function is the different types of catering equipment and what they are used for. 


The use of the mixer in your restaurant or kitchen is inevitable, everyone loves pizza, pastry, bread and meals that require a systematic mixture of ingredients. A mixer is made to blend, stir together and combine different ingredients into a single mixture. There are different types which include the planetary mixer, spiral mixer, dough mixer and also the blender. This machine does not only save you the stress but helps reduce the time spent preparing a meal. Having a machine that can handle suck capacity in your collection is an advantage during rush time. A mixer assists caterers to meet the high demands on them and offers a thorough mixture of the ingredients is assured.  


If you’re going to serve onion rings, freshly fried chips or doughnuts? A deeper has the capacity and temperature range required to get the job done. Deep-frying is a faster way of cooking your savoury treats and is also more ideal for larger households.  

 Chafing Dish

The chafing dishes are essential to any food service establishment or catering company. The preparation of food goes beyond the tool that is used to make it, it also includes how you preserve the food after it has been prepared. Chafing dishes are made in many different sizes, shapes and designs. The pans are trays that are used to preserve and transport prepared meals from place to place to ensure food safety.  

Camping Equipment – Camping is a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors and escape the pressure of everyday life. Camping has been around for a very long time. It can be a great adventure for families, couples or even for a weekend getaway. Camping has been around for a very long time. Knowing your basic camping equipment requirements can be a major help when preparing to journey the great outdoors. By understanding even the barest amount about tents, supplies, lights, cutlery, crockery and other equipment, a trip can be made safer and more fun for everyone involved. You need to know what type of camping equipment you will need to take with you on your trip.  

Tent & Sleeping Bag

A tent and sleeping bag is the most vital piece of camping equipment. A tent is used to sleep in at night or shield you from high winds, rain or bad weather. They come in a variety of sizes and it allows a number for people to fit and sleep in a tent. Make sure to pack all the accessories, roles, poles and stakes that come with your tent. Don’t forget your sleeping bag or blow up bed, you wouldn’t want to sleep on a bed of moss and leaves. Keep in mind, many insects are more active at night – going without a sleeping bag risks you have an uncomfortable night’s sleep. You don’t want to be tossing and turning all night because of insect bites. 

Flash Light, Lamps or Headlights

The importance of a reliable light source cannot be overstated. You should always be prepared to bring extra flashlights and spare batteries. You will need light on your way to the bathroom or you can easily find your way when you have some sort of light while you are in the dark. You want to be able to see around you once the sun goes down.  

First Aid Kit

It is always good to be prepared for anything. Although it’s highly unlikely for you to experience a life-threatening injury while camping, even a long day of hiking can cause blisters that will require plasters. Small cuts and scratches can become infected if left untreated, so keeping bandages and antiseptic solution on hand is a great idea. Take your first aid kit with and be sure to throw in some sunscreen and insect repellent. 

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